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Springfield Township Library

TeenTober is coming to Springfield Township Library!

Sign up for one of our many events or visit the library to enter a drawing or pick up a craft or cool button in October to celebrate with us!

Did you know there is now a month-long celebration of teen services in libraries called TeenTober? Teens can head in to the Springfield Township Library to participate in any of the following TeenTober events throughout the month of October.

Teens' Top Ten Voting for the Best Books of 2022
Percy Jackson Book Set Giveaway
Teen Volunteers for Friends Book Sale
Pick up a free TeenTober Button in the Teen Corner
Take-and-Make Halloween/Fall Craft - A Paper Quilled Pumpkin
Find the Zombie in the Teen Corner
Pizza and Board Games
Teen Volunteers for the Springfield Township Library station at Parks & Rec Trick or Treat Trail
Teen Volunteers for the Halloween Carnival

Sponsored in part by the Friends of the Springfield Township Library

Filed under: Teen Feature
Location & Hours

Springfield Township Library
12000 Davisburg Rd., Davisburg, MI 48350

Phone: 248-846-6550
Fax: 248-846-6555

Monday: 10am - 8pm
Tuesday: 10am - 8pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed

Printable Events Calendar

Printable Calendar