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Springfield Township Library

Springfield Township Library
Services, Facility & Equipment

If you have questions, please contact us.  

Reference ServicesFacility / EquipmentTechnology Services

Reference Services

Test Proctoring - There are several librarians available to proctor tests by appointment only. Students must fill out a Test Proctor Request Form, submit it to the Reference Desk, and receive approval before tests can be proctored. Scheduling is limited based on staff availability and business hours. If you have questions about this service please contact the Reference Desk. Students outside Springfield Township Library will be charged $10.00. The service is free for Springfield Township residents. Download the Test Proctoring Policy and Proctoring Form here.

Technology Appointments - The library offers basic technology assistance by appointment. Common topics include (but are not limited to) the following: basic computer knowledge, Office programs, such as Word, Excel or Powerpoint, how to download eBooks or audiobooks, how to operate various devices or other basic information related to technology. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance with this service or fill out our online form.

Resume Review - Would you like another set of eyes to look over your resume for no cost? We offer a resume review service that looks at resume format, spelling, overall appeal, phrasing, current practices and grammar. The service takes 2-5 days and can be done in person or via email/over the phone.

Reference and Readers' Advisory - Need book recommendations, a selection of books on a certain topic or a book similar to another that you loved? Any of these requests and more can be fulfilled by our Reference staff whom you can reach by email here or by calling at 248-846-6550. Please be sure to include your library card number when emailing!

Print ServiceNeed something printed? Let us do it for you! Call or email with your name, phone number, and what you need printed. Black and white copies are $.10 each and color are $.25 each. Email us here.

Facility and Equipment

Small Study Room - This room is located inside the library (down aisle 1) and has a maximum occupancy of 8 people. There is a large table, power outlets and six chairs. The room is available first come first serve or by appointment, with reservations not to exceed two hours in duration. The Small Study Room cannot be reserved more than two times a month. Call 248-846-6550 for reservation availability or further information. 

Large Meeting Room - This room is located across the lobby from the Library and can hold around 85 people. The room must be reserved one month in advance by submitting a request in person to the Library Director. The Large Meeting Room is available to Springfield residents only, and can only be reserved by community groups and non-profit groups. The Large Meeting Room is available once a month per group. 

Die Cut Machine - There is a die cut machine with many, many shapes, letters and numbers available for any member of the public to use. Must bring own paper. Children under 12 are not allowed to use the machine due to sharp components. No cost. Sponsored by Friends of the Library.

Puzzle Exchange Table - Do you love jigsaw puzzles? There are a variety of puzzles always available on our puzzle exchange table located in the lobby. No cost. Simply take one and/or bring one next time you come to the library! 

Storybook Trail - The storybook trail features a children's story in pieces so you can read it as you walk along. The trail starts in the Library parking lot and ends at the playground. It is around 1/3 of a mile long and is made of small crushed rock. It is suitable for a stroller or wheelchair; however, it is not maintained during snow conditions. Co-Sponsored by Friends of the Library, Friends of the Parks and Springfield Twp Parks and Rec.

Friends Store - The Friends store is located across from the Checkout Desk and contains books for all ages, gift items and other materials for sale. All sales benefit the library.

Memory Care Kits - These kits are available for checkout and contain vivid pictures with conversation cards. They are meant to facilitate reminiscence and discussion between those challenged by dementia and caregivers. Purchased by Friends of the Library

Storytime Room - Bring the little ones up to the library and hang out in the Storytime Room! The Storytime Room features different activities, toys and crafts separate from the library space. *This room may be closed from time to time due to scheduled activities. Call ahead if you're concerned about whether the room is open.

Literacy Kits for Young Children - There are a variety of literacy kits available for checkout in the children's department. See the Reference Desk if you'd like assistance.

Technology Services

Public Use Computers - The public computers have access to the following: color or b/w printing, Microsoft Office, various internet browsers,, document scanners, Consumer Reports. Sign up for computers at the Check-out desk by showing a picture ID.

Scanners - The library has one high speed document scanner connected to a public use computer and one flatbed scanner available to the public at no cost. Must have picture ID to sign up for public use computers.

Printers - Each public use computer is connected to one B/W laser printer and one color laser printer. The B/W printouts are $.10 each and the color printouts are $.25 each. We only offer printing on standard size and thickness copy paper.

Copy Machine - We offer one B/W copy machine that prints on standard size and thickness copy paper. The cost of copies are $.10 per page.

Fax Machine - Faxes are sent by a staff member and cost $1.00 per page.

Kids Computers - Two AWE Learning stations are located down aisle 1. The computers are not internet accessible and are pre-loaded with a variety of learning games geared toward small children. No cost. Open to all.

Hotspots - Hotspots can provide Wi-Fi internet access for up to 10 different Wi-Fi capable devices. Hotspots borrowed from the library offer unlimited data and can provide internet access in any location within the U.S. that has a T-Mobile signal. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at the library’s front desk. The manual for our hotspot devices can be found here.

Funding Note - Many of the computers, scanner, and printers were purchased by the Friends of the Library.

Location & Hours

Springfield Township Library
12000 Davisburg Rd., Davisburg, MI 48350

Phone: 248-846-6550
Fax: 248-846-6555

Monday: 10am - 8pm
Tuesday: 10am - 8pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed

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